SEO Fundaments

Posted by Dedy Saputra Saturday, May 16, 2009 0 comments

So what are the fundaments concepts for SEO?

  • Keywords - required to make your content relevant to searches
  • Links - to indicate that your website is important to other users


Search engines use bots (robots - automatic software programs) to crawl sites. They determine the content of a website from the keywords it contains. Thus they figure out what kind of traffic you want depending on the content keywords you use. As an example, in this series of articles, there will be a number of keywords such as search engine optimization, result pages, content, keywords, etc which make it obvious to the robot visiting that the articles are about SEO. Therefore, the site will be flagged as containing information about SEO. Search engines specialize in determining the topic from a minimal amount of keywords. Google Sets is an example of the kind of technology used to determine the topic of a website. Given a small amount of keywords, Google sets will idenitfy the topic and give you more keywords related to the keywords you gave it.

Therefore keywords are what you must think about when implementing your SEO strategy. Think of keywords which your target users are likely to use when they are searching for websites similar to yours. Then use these keywords in your content to make your pages relavant to search engine result pages. There are a few rules to observe, but we will come to that later.

Links to your site

Using keywords search engine's have a good idea of what your content is about. So what determines in which position your website will feature? Links to your website. The rule of thumb is that if a large number of other sites link to your site, then that means that your website contains important information relevant to the topic. The more incoming links you have, the better your search position will be. Also, if a popular and important site links to your site, this weighs more heavily to the importance of your site, than if ten "not important" site link to you. We will explain how a site is ranked as important and how ranking works later on.

Besides the relevance to search engines so that you are placed highly in the organic results of search engines, links to your websites (especially on high traffic sites), are an instant guarantee of traffic to your site. This is especially if you have relevant content, and thus you are recommended by linking websites.

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Sex Tips for Parents

Posted by Dedy Saputra Thursday, May 14, 2009 0 comments

What sex life? You are a parent and life is so busy you have little time to reflect on your own needs, let alone do something about your compliance. May it seems that your own needs, however, is that children have the highest priority and you have to do what it takes to care for them.

Do not be fooled, your needs are important and neglecting them is not good for anyone, not you, not your partner, and certainly not your children. Of course you can not do all the things you did before children, life has changed and the pleasure comes in many ways. But you're always an adult with adults and needs to feel respected must be met.

So how do you find time and energy to have sex when there are so many others, need your attention? It takes a bit more planning and effort than the past but must say, it can happen, and it is certainly useful.

What if you do not want anyone to touch after you have children crawled around all day? Some people have a quotient of the amount of physical contact they need and can sleep comfortably in a day. But if you think that children relate to your partner and how you play most often is to have all.

So how have more sex? Well, how do you have sex?

  1. Make it a priority and will be the case. Feeding children is becoming a priority when there are children at your feet. Manage it like he feed and sleep before u go with you partner.
  2. Find a time that works. It is early May morning, before waking the children; it may after they spent in bed, regardless of the dishes and laundry and cleaning, may be during the day while children watch a video. You must take time for each other.
  3. Doing things that make you think about sex. It can be difficult to change the sex of your brain that you Baby land may need a little help. Watching a sexy movie, reading erotic fiction together, write your partner sexy note, think again when you've had a lot of sex (which we can do, can not be that long, you have children, after all!), to revive the good it felt.
  4. Take a shower together. There is something about naked and wet, which can be very erotic.
  5. Expect interruptions and not be discouraged. Agree and begin to kiss a baby intends bereavement. You try to ignore, but can not. Thus, they tend to think, and then the time is past. But it is not. And if it is interrupted again by the display as a gap that has increased its appetite for sex is not evil. Help your children and come back to your partner with same erotic mood.
  6. Do not wait until you come to bed to start a sexual relationship. When you have some time together, it is easy to fall into habits, like falling into a deep sleep when your head touches the pillow, and sometimes they are habits that you must go out to start your sex life. Sex can happen anywhere to use the space you have.
  7. And the most important thing you have to do – don’t give up! You can find a way to get there. We know that your needs are important and you work best when they are fulfilled.

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Three Ways to Know You are Buying Healthy Foods

Posted by Dedy Saputra 0 comments

There are ads and signs everywhere these days telling us that this brand is healthy or that brand is not, skip the name game and find out what is really in your food.

With the recent craze over “green” products it’s important to know and understand what to look for when buying food that is labeled as “healthy”. Here are a few tips to use the next time you go shopping.

Read the ingredients. This should always be the first thing you do. Don’t worry so much about the calories, fat or carb count – simply read what’s in it. The aim is to buy products with the least ingredients. Pick up a loaf of bread and count how many ingredients went into making that loaf. Some breads have anywhere from 12 to over 20 ingredients. I don’t know about you, but the last time I made bread all I put in it was flour, water and yeast. So, why are there so many ingredients? It’s mainly the way to preserve and make the bread more fluffy and eye appealing. Whatever happened to day old bread? Our common bread can sit on a shelf for weeks and never get stale or grow mold. Something is wrong with that.

Avoid the processed stuff. Anything that has been created in a test tube or has been manipulated by chemical science is something you want stay far away from. The body has an incredible time breaking down these complex, foreign additives. Anything labeled as “artificial”, like colors and flavors, are a red warning light. Other processed ingredients to stay away from are: high fructose corn syrup, mono and di-glycerides, any oil that is hydrogenated, MSG (which is disguised by many different names) and artificial sweeteners.

Buy 100% whole grain only. Don’t settle for foods that say “made with whole grain.” This means that only a percentage of the product has a whole grain in it. Only buy products that are 100% whole grain. Even many organic products are not fully whole grain; actually many of them contain no whole grain at all. Whole grains are not only better for you; they will keep you full longer so you won’t crave more empty foods.

This is just an easy rule of thumb to shop by. A persons daily diet should be well balanced with calories, fats , carbs and proteins but it’s more important to eat real food than to consume artificial or chemically manipulated additives. As consumers, we have to do more than trust the advertisement on the box, we have to get smart and know what exactly what we’re purchasing.

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Simple Ways to Keep Your Vagina Healthy and Happy

Posted by Dedy Saputra 0 comments

Keep it clean and fresh smelling with a pH-balanced feminine wash at least twice a day, use water if you want to wash more than that. The vagina has its own cleansing system, so don't disrupt the balance by overcleansing it. Over-the-counter products sometimes do more harm than good.

Trim your hedge. Keep your pubic hair tamed or trimmed. Nowadays, you can choose from a variety of services in salons to keep your pubic area nice looking. You may trim it yourself or have it bikini waxed. If you're brave enough, you may get a brazilian. Your man will thank you for it.

Wear cotton panties when needed, and go panty-free to bed or whenever there is an opportunity.

Do kegel exercises. Squeeze the muscle you'd use to stop urine flow (but don't do this during urination, it will cause bladder infection), hold it for as long as you can, and release, repeat as many times as you can. 20 to 30 reps per day. Then try doing this also when your man's "inside" you. It will bring you stronger orgasms in 3 months.

Don't wear tampons for more than 8 hours. Avoid using super absorbent tampons during medium to light flow menstruation days to prevent vaginal stress and infection.

Find the best position for G-spot stimulation with your man. Most women (and men) find the reverse cowgirl position very pleasurable.

Again, keep it clean. Only your washed hands (or your man's) are allowed to handle your hot spot.


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Make money through MyPage5

Posted by Dedy Saputra 0 comments

How do I make money through MyPage5?

MyPage5 has a number of member bonuses. These bonuses are there to entice people to use the site as much as possible in order to create social communities and interact with each other. A summary of bonuses is as follows:

New member sign up with picture: $5.00

If a new member signs up and uploads his/her profile picture at registration, they’ll get this bonus. A picture is a nice touch to a profile so we like members to take time to upload one.

New member sign up without picture: $0.00

Should’ve uploaded the picture

Member Login: 1c

As soon as a member signs into his/her profile page, the reward is this, once daily.

Create blog: 10c

Members will get this bonus every time they contribute a blog to the site. Blogs must be genuine and not be copies of or contain links to other blogs. You can upload up to ten blogs at a time but, only four will be rewarded or credited to your account.

Blog Comments: 2c

Members are allowed ten blog comments daily on blogs posted by other members.

Upload videos: 15c

Members will get this bonus for every video that they upload to mypage55. Videos will not be offensive in nature and multiple posts of the same video is not allowed. Poor quality and copyright videos will be deleted. Please inspect your work before you post. Mypage5 accepts only five videos upload daily.

Video comment : 2c

Comment on the video you've just watched, not really a bad reward for commenting on a video. Maximum of five video comments daily.

Post classified: 10c

Something for sale? Put it on our classified site and even if it doesn’t sell, you’ll get your reward. Are you a woman looking for a man or a man looking for a woman, our free classified page is your answer. Ten classifieds daily.

Create group: 2c

Create a group to get this bonus. Groups are intended to bring together like minded individuals, work colleagues, school friends or just supporters of the same football team!

Join group/Comment: 2c

If you join any group, comment or contribute to the group topics the above is your reward. five group comments daily!

Invite a friend: $1.00

For every friend that you invite to join MyPage5, you’ll get $1.00. Your friend must register and remain an active member for you to get the reward, other wise the money will be deducted on the pay day. Inviting ghost referral/friend is cheating, this will lead to immediate suspension on account.

Profile comment: 2c

You can comment on members profiles but, no duplicates. Please note: you are allowed to post maximum of ten user profile comments daily. posting of multiple profile comments on one page at the same day is spamming. The punishment ranges from loss of earnings to voiding of account.

Upload photo to album: 2c

Members will get 2c for any of their photos,friends or relations they upload to their profile photo albums. Please Note: duplicate photos, stock photos,Internet photos or any copyright are not allowed.Such pratice will lead to account suspension and revenue loss.Maximum number of photos a member is allowed to upload is 400, any thing above this number will not be paid for.

Photo comment : 2c

Comment on photos you've just looked at, tell us what you think, your reward is the above. Mypage5 allow maximum of five photo comments daily.

Band comment : 2c

Your favourite band? comment on your band and get 2cents reward. five band comments daily.

Profile views: 1c

Members will get 1c every time another member view your profile so please do mypage5 a favour, set up a fantastic and eye-catching profile.

How will I be paid?

MyPage5’s payment method is Paypal, which is an online payment service. Payment is instantaneous and protected against fraud. If a member is not registered with Paypal, a cheque will be sent via the postal service. Please note that Paypal charges a small percentage fee for using their service. MyPage5 has a minimum payment amount of $50.

How do I ensure that I don’t get any money?

If a member is found to be using software or any other fraudulent means of increasing their rewards, MyPage5 will suspend their account and render their rewards null and void. MyPage5 will not hesitate to take legal action and report such individuals to the relevant authorities. Please Note: If you reach your pay-out by referring friends or otherwise but found not to active on mypage5, you will loose your pay-out right, inactive member is of no benefit to mypage5.

When will I get paid?

Mypage5 issues payments one month after you accrue them. For example, earnings you made in March 2009 will be paid in April 30th 2009. If your revenue does not meet the minimum pay out, this revenue will automatically roll over to the following month.

Good luck, stay safe and do not forget to invite your friends.

Mypage5 Team

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Chat di Facebook via Handphone

Posted by Dedy Saputra 2 comments

Bagi temen-teman pasti sudah tau apa itu facebook? facebook adalah layanan pertemanan di dunia maya yang memeliki beberapa kelebihan yaitu salah satunya menyediakan menu chatting disaat kita online (sebenarnya banyak tapi yang ini khusus chat…:). Tetapi terkadang disaat teman kita mengajak chatting lewat facebook ternyata kita saat itu sedang tidak online, Bagi yang punya internet akses dirumah ci enak ajah!, lalu kita harus gimana?

Jangan khawatir kebetulan saya menemukan aplikasi ini,namanya nimbuzz. Awalnya Nimbuzz belum ada fasilitas untuk mendukung chatting facebook tapi pihak nimbuzz ternyata meng-upgradenya hingga dapat memfasilitasi untuk chatting di facebook.

Sebelumnya saya akan menjelaskan fasilitas dari nimbuzz yang saya ketahui:
  • Nimbuzz memiliki user lebih dari 10 juta orang di dunia
  • Nimbuzz gratis loch kecuali yang download lewat hp kena pulsa palng rp.500
  • Nimbuzz mempunyai menu forum dan kita dapat menyimpan 5 forum(Banyak forum2 penting loch)
  • Nimbuzz mempunyai menu chatting baik dengan user nimbuzz,Gtalk,YahooMassenger,Facebook,ICQ,Jabber dan ada lagi(mmap lupa ntar check aja sendiri!!!he…he…)
  • Nimbuzz bisa di pasang hampir di semua HP yang mendukung fitur J2ME(formatnya jar).
  • Nimbuzz bisa di pasang di PC soalnya Nimbuzz memiliki 2 fitur,untuk aplikasi HP juga untuk aplikasi PC,Seperti YahooMasennger tapi mendukung chatting untuk nimbuzz,Gtalk,YahooMassenger,Facebook,ICQ,Jabber
  • Nimbuzz bisa menyimpan photo,video,sound,voice message di online gallerynya

Inilah yang baru saya ketahui dari nimbuzz versi terbaru untuk lebih jelasnya ya coba-coba ajah sendiri!!!Bagi yang sudah tidak sabar bisa langsung mengunjungi websitenya di :nimbuzz atau kalau ga bisa:

kalau yang di atas itu kamu mendownloadnya lewat PC lalu kamu transfer ke HP kamu lalu instal.Tapi kalau ada yang mau download lansung lewat hp bisa mengunjungi web ini :Send nimbuzz by SMS atau :

Bila kamu memilih yang lewat sms nanti akan ada sms dari pihak nimbuzz langsung ke HP kamu.Nanti perintah rujukan ke alamat website nimbuzz, kamu tinggal klik ajah di sms itu lalu akan mendownload dengan sendirinya.kemungkinan akan kena pulsa kurang lebih 500 tapi bisa langsung diinstal.

Setelah mendownloadnya kamu bisa menggunakannya untuk chatting Facebook,Ym n laenya.Saya sendiri menggunakanya untuk iseng-iseng chatting YMan n Facebook ma temen-temen.Rata-rata belum ada yang tau cara ini dan bergunanya HP ini.

Yupz thank buat temen-temen yang sudah meluangkan waktu buat baca ini kalau ada yang mau kasih komentar silahkan.Tulis di bawah ajah!!!

sumber :

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Rencana Keselamatan Allah (yesaya 53 : 9-10

Posted by Dedy Saputra Monday, May 11, 2009 0 comments
Rencana Keselamatan Allah

Kematian Yesus tidak terjadi secara diadakan. Yesaya 53:9-10
Orang menempatkan kuburNya di antara orang-orang fasik, dan dalam matiNya Ia ada di antara penjahat-penjahat, sekalipun Ia tidak berbuat kekerasan dan tipu tidak ada di dalam mulutNya.
Tetapi Tuhan berkehendak meremukkan dia dengan kesakitan. Apabila ia mnyerahkan dirinya sebagai korban penebus salah Ia akan melihat keturunanNya umurnya akan lanjut, dan kehendak Tuhan akan terlaksana olehnya. Melankan kematian Yesus direncanakan Allah untuk menyelamatkan manusia yang berdosa. keinginan iblis supaya Yesus mati justru menggenapi rencana keselamatan Allah bagi manusia.

Allah merencanakan keselamatan bagi seluruh manusia. Namun, Allah memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia untuk memilih. Dalam Kejadian 1-2 ; Ulangan 30:19 ; Yosua 24:15 menuliskan bagaimana Allah memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia.

Keselamatan adalah anugerah Allah, tapi Allah memberikan kebebasan kepada manusia untuk memilih antara keselamatan dari Allah atau kebinasaan karena dosa.
Dalam 2 Kor 5:15,19 menulis bahwa Yesus mendamaikan Allah dengan seluruh dunia. Keselamatan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik tidak ada di luar Yesus. 1 korintus 1:4-9 menerangkan bahwa manusia diberi kesempatan untuk menikmati kasih karunia Allah. Manusia diangkat, diampuni dan dipulihkan untuk menjadi mitra Allah untuk keselamatan dan membagikan kasih karunia Allah kepada orang lain.

Dalam Markus 16 menyebutkan bahwa Yesus menyertai sampai pada kesudahan jaman. Menjalankan tugas kita sebagai mitra Allah untuk mencari jiwa.

Sebab setiap kali kamu makan roti ini dan minum cawan ini, kamu memberitakan kematian Tuhan sampai Ia datang (1 kor 11:26) ayat ini menyebutkan bahwa kedatangan Yesus yang kedua kali. Menjalankan kemitraan kita dengan Allah adalah dengan kesaksian dan memberitakan injil.

Pdt. Dolfie Memah
Minggu 10 mei 2008
GPDI Samrat

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